Fellowships & Awards

Departmental Fellowships, Awards, and Opportunities

We offer several annual awards and grants to recognize and support outstanding research. If an award is paid in the summer, the recipient must enroll in at least 1 credit hour during the summer term to receive the award. For additional information about specific fellowships, contact the Graduate Students Coordinator gradhisp@indiana.edu.

The Gradgrants committee will evaluate applications according to the promise of the project, progress to degree, and letters of recommendation. Engagement in Departmental community and events will also be considered, although this will carry secondary weight. In addition, the committee will seek to allocate awards among the greatest number of equally qualified students.

Graduate School + College awards

In addition to these departmental awards, students from our department apply and receive many awards announced by the College of Arts and Sciences and the University Graduate School, such as the Dissertation Year Fellowship, the Wells Fellowship, and the John Edwards Fellowship.

Foreign Language Area Study (FLAS) fellowships from the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies are frequently won by students in the department. Students seeking potential sources of funding are encouraged to begin their search through the IU GradGrants Center.

See other funding opportunities