Undergraduate Student News

Adam Corya, Senior
Undergraduate Perspective:
Adam Corya,
Originally, a Spanish major at IU wasn’t the plan, but after a summer abroad in Barcelona, and some of my recent classes at IU, I wanted to continue learning the language. Classes that I have taken over the last couple of semesters are HISP S425, a phonetics course with Erik Willis, and HISP S427, a morpho-syntax course with Patricia Amaral. Both were great experiences, and both helped me develop my Spanish and my love for the language. Over the past 2 years there have been situations where I’ve had the opportunity to speak Spanish in volunteering activities. Volunteering in an emergency room, I’ve been able to speak Spanish to a few patients to help out the nurse. I am also involved in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program, and my “little brother” speaks Spanish at home. I hope to attend medical school after college, and the idea of being able to speak Spanish with patients was another reason I was convinced to pursue the Spanish major. Often translators over the phone must be involved in doctor-patient conversations, but hopefully I’ll be able to speak to any Spanish-speaking patients directly.

Madeline Danforth, Senior
Undergraduate Perspective:
Madeline Danforth,
I spent last summer in Santiago de Chile as part of a health studies program, where I studied Spanish for healthcare practitioners, learned about the Chilean health system, and participated in clinical observations at local hospitals and clinics. As a pre-med student, I hope to become a primary care physician and be able to serve the growing population of Spanish speakers in the United States.
One very striking difference between Santiago and any large city in the US is that the streets of Santiago are lined with stray dogs. Anywhere you go, you’ll run into a surprisingly healthy, happy, and mellow dog, maybe taking a nap in the metro station or hanging with a group on a street corner. Once while riding a bus to my morning classes, a dog jumped into the bus and rode with us until he reached his destination and hopped off. The funniest thing about Santiago’s dogs is that many of them wear jackets. I was told that local businesses frequently buy fleece jackets for the dogs during the winter to keep them warm. One dog in particular who I could always find on the corner of the street where my classes were, had a very nice, flashy orange rain jacket. This dog was special and he knew it: he knew he was equipped with something that no other dog had and that would help him when he needed it.
A doctor who can speak Spanish is kind of like a stray dog with a rain jacket. For the most part, the doctor is similar to her colleagues, but when the time comes and someone needs a doctor who speaks Spanish, she is prepared. Studying Spanish at IU has given me the ability to communicate effectively and respectfully to Spanish speakers from different cultures. Through my courses at IU, I have read literature from pre-Hispanic Mexico, 17th century Spain and Spain during the Franco regime, studied the history of Spain and Latin America, and investigated differences in dialects among various Latin American countries. My favorite classes at IU include Kathleen Myers’ "Spanish American Literature" course and Steven Wagschal’s "Don Quijote" class. However, each of my classes in the IU Department of Spanish and Portuguese has massively improved my Spanish skills and sparked my curiosity for further exploring Spanish and Latin American culture.

Amanda Grahn, B.A. '17
Undergraduate Perspective:
Amanda Grahn, B.A. '17
I will never forget when I received the grade for my first exam in my high school’s honors Spanish class. In the margin of the paper, my teacher had written just my grade and “IU Honors?” This teacher, whose vivacious personality and wholehearted interest in seeing her students immerse themselves in the Spanish language, made it impossible for me to not fall in love with the language and the cultures of the countries that used it. Because of her and the unrelenting curiosity she instilled within me regarding Hispanic culture, I spent the summer of 2012 studying in Valencia, Spain with the IU Honors Program in Foreign Languages there. Thus began my Spanish adventure that has continued over the last five years.
I came to IU with the intent of getting a minor in Spanish and Religious Studies, and a major in Psychology. One trip to my advisor’s office later, I was a Spanish major and had been persuaded to apply for the Academic Year program at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. At “La Complu,” I attended courses on literature, political science, phonetics, culture, and religion. At the same time, I worked with three Spanish families as an English tutor. Through this experience, I learned many ESL teaching strategies, a skill that I hope to use in the near future as I have applied to be a Language and Cultural Assistant in Spain for the 2017-2018 school year. While being actively immersed in the Spanish language and culture has become a preferred state of being for me since I went to Valencia nearly five years ago, I am overjoyed when I am greeted with the opportunity to use my skills right here in Bloomington. Through the service-learning course Spain in Context, I was able to work with preschoolers at a local Bloomington learning center to introduce them to the concept of Spanish and how it sounded. One of my most cherished moments within those preschool walls was when one of the little girls approached me and asked, “Uhm, why are you speaking to me like you’re Dora?” This experience, and ones similar to it, led to an intensified interest in the early childhood education field, one that I have been pursuing for the last two years. Still, never am I more thrilled than when I am able to use my Spanish while working with Habitat for Humanity families. Watching these families undergo this amazing process, and being assured that they know that the language difference is not a barrier but a bridge that connects us all to the organization’s incredible mission, has truly been a dream come true.

Shannon Lemajeur B.A. ‘17
Undergraduate Perspective:
Shannon Lemajeur B.A. ‘17
My passion for learning about different cultures and ethnicities was ignited when I began learning Spanish in seventh grade. I was inspired by the realization that I could achieve the ability to communicate with a multitude of different people by learning another language. One of the best decisions I made was to pursue a double major in Spanish and Political Science. I had the opportunity to study abroad for a semester in Madrid, Spain. During my time abroad, I volunteered to help teach English at an elementary school. I loved being able to use my ability to speak Spanish and English to help children reach their academic goals.
Furthermore, I was the president of Grupo Ñ during my senior year, which was the first Spanish club to be established at IU. Grupo Ñ gave me the opportunity to interact with so many passionate students. Additionally, my Spanish education led me to become involved within the Bloomington community off campus as well. In August 2016, Mayor John Hamilton appointed me to the coveted position of Commissioner for the Commission on Hispanic and Latino Affairs. The commission works to address the challenges of the Hispanic and Latino community in Bloomington, IN, regarding education, health, employment, and public safety issues. The seven appointed commissioners work with local organizations to facilitate events and programs in order to improve the lives of the members of the Bloomington community.
My interest in Spanish continues to impact my life. Next year, I will begin my first year of law school. I hope to use my ability to speak Spanish in my legal career. I am thankful for my incredible Spanish professors who greatly influenced my undergraduate career!

Micala Madison, Senior
Undergraduate Perspective:
Micala Madison,
I came to IU with the intention of taking just one more Spanish class to complete my foreign language requirement and leaving it at that. However, I began to fall in love with the language and culture and that one class turned into a minor and then into my second major. My hometown has a large Hispanic population and I found myself using my Spanish with more people in my community, especially in the hospital where I worked. I still remember one of the first people I translated for, a friendly Puerto Rican man. He asked me why my neck was turning splotchy red, and when I told him that it was because I was nervous to be translating, he just laughed and told me how white people can’t hide their emotions because they’re so fair. This, of course, made the embarrassment even worse. However, I’ve wanted to be a doctor my entire life, so despite the many fumbles and embarrassing moments, I was thrilled at the opportunity to help patients in such a unique way, helping to relieve the stress of being in such a scary situation in a place where you don’t even speak the language.
I then decided to do a summer study abroad program in Santiago, Chile. While I wish I could have stayed longer, it was still an incredible experience. I got to travel and meet people from all over the world as well as see the reality of living in some of the more impoverished areas of Santiago. We did rotations in hospitals and doctors' offices all over the city, and it was fascinating for me to see the many cultural differences in something so essential as healthcare. My study abroad reaffirmed and strengthened my desire to work in South America once I finish my schooling and residency.
This summer I have been provided another opportunity to work in a health setting, this time in Cusco, Peru. I will be returning to work at a mobile clinic through a non-profit called MEDLIFE. These opportunities are available thanks to the amazing culture we have here at IU, and through all the people that work to make these kinds of experiences possible.
Honors and Awards
Jeremy Benedek

Megan Diekhoff
Conner Drake
Stephanie Evans
Jaclyn Flores

Margaret Jackson

Rachel Morris

Erin Powell

Lucas Smith
Aaron Teater

Wes Wagnor
Haley Wilson
Undergraduate News and Honors
Jeremy Benedek received the department’s Theodore Dorf Scholaship towards his summer study abroad program in the Dominican Republic.
Kaitlynn Cull was awarded an Ashley Crouse Memorial Scholarship, given by the department, to pursue summer study in the Dominican Republic.
Megan Diekhoff received the Pedro Díaz Sejías Memorial Scholarship awarded by the department in support of her academic and career pursuits.
Conner Drake earned a Theodore Dorf Scholarship to study in Alcalá, Spain this summer.
Stephanie Evans received a Theodore Dorf Scholarship towards her summer study in Santiago, Dominican Republic.
Jaclyn Flores earned a Theodore Dorf Scholarship to pursue study in Santiago, Dominican Republic this summer.
Margaret Jackson was awarded the Rachel DiPietro-James Scholarship, given by the department and CIEE (Council on International Educational Exchange), to study in Buenos Aires this fall semester.
Kaitlynn Milvert was selected by President Michael McRobbie to serve as an IU Presidential Intern, an opportunity meant to help IU students get leadership skills while helping IU on important topics.
Rachel Morris received a Theodore Dorf Scholarship to pursue summer study in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Erin Powell earned an Ashley Crouse Memorial Scholarship to study this summer in the Dominican Republic.
Lucas Smith received an Ashley Crouse Memorial Scholarship for study in Alcalá, Spain this summer.
Aaron Teater received an Ashley Crouse Memorial Scholarship to pursue summer study in Alcalá, Spain.
Wes Wagner received the Rachel DiPietro-James Scholarship, given by the department and CIEE, to study in Buenos Aires in Spring 2016.
Haley Wilson earned a Theodore Dorf Scholarship towards her study in Alcalá, Spain this summer.
AATSP Honors
Five department majors were honored with the 2016 Indiana Outstanding College Student of Spanish/Portuguese Award by the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP). These awards are based on outstanding academic excellence, exceptional interest for Iberoamerican culture, valuable community service, exemplary overseas experience and astonishing passion for Spanish/Portuguese. Students honored were:
Lucy Brown, Spanish
Bridget Dotson, Spanish
Jayme Gerring, Spanish
Theresa Spech, Spanish
Sarah Yde, Spanish
Graduated with Department Honors
Rachael Bradshaw, Spanish, advisor Steven Wagschal
Christopher Brown, Spanish, advisor Steven Wagschal
Victoria Collins, Spanish, advisor Manuel Díaz-Campos
Jayme Gerring, Spanish, advisor Jonathan Risner
Alison Hilmer, Spanish, advisor Ryan Giles
Stephanie Miljkovic, Spanish, advisor César Félix-Brasdefer
Phi Beta Kappa Electees
Fall 2016
Rachel Bradshaw
Abigail Brenner
Victoria Collins
Morgan Gee
Sarah Horner
Madison Messmann
Dhruti Patel
Adam Pease
Sarah Yde
Spring 2017
Taylor Allen
Kelsey Blalock
Christopher Brown
Lucy Brown
Adrian Cooper
Adam Corya
Madeline Danforth
Amanda Grahn
Andrea Hendrickson
Shannon Lemajeur
Emily Lyon
Lindsey Walker