Second‑Year Spanish I

HISP-S200 — Summer i

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Days and Times
MTWRF 8:45A-10:00A US Eastern Standard Time
Course Description

This course reviews some of the basic structures studied in the first year and continues into more advanced material.  Upon completion of the course, students will be able to discuss, interpret, and reflect on a variety of contemporary issues. Emphasis remains on the four language skills and on critical thinking skills. Courses are conducted in Spanish at a level appropriate for the course. Grades are based on exams, preparation and homework, online discussions and participation, essays, quizzes, and video reflection activities. Homework load is substantial.

These classes will meet online five times a week via Zoom from 8:45A-10:00A Monday through Friday. During the week, students will do a significant amount of work to be completed and submitted online. Daily online assignments may include grammar and vocabulary activities, listening activities, reading and reading comprehension activities, watching videos, writing essays, and recording audio and video.

The next course in this sequence is HISP-S 250 Second-Year Spanish II.

HISP-S 200   #1374  Taught ONLINE-Via Zoom, MTWRF 8:45A-10:00A US Eastern Standard Time    STAFF

HISP-S 200   #3565  Taught ONLINE-Via Zoom, MTWRF 8:45A-10:00A US Eastern Standard Time    STAFF

Note: These S200 courses may require distance education fee.  Check with SCU website for more information at  See special fee page.

Interested in this course?

The full details of this course are available on the Office of the Registrar website.

See complete course details