Donald J. Riskind Spanish Scholarship Allows IU Student to Follow Her Passion

Elizabeth Anderson
Reflecting on her undergraduate experience here at IU, Elizabeth Anderson says “I received a scholarship as an undergrad at IU, the Donald J. Riskind Spanish Scholarship, which is given to Spanish majors. I was informed that I was selected to receive the scholarship out of several hundred candidates. I had been passionate about learning languages in high school, and I knew that when I came to college I would be pursuing a degree in Spanish. When I was informed about the scholarship, I felt like more than just a number even at such a large university, and it was so encouraging to feel that my skill set and passions were being recognized before I even arrived on campus. Receiving this recognition motivated me to challenge myself in my Spanish classes and to seek opportunities to engage with Spanish outside the classroom, which led to two incredible study abroad experiences. The generosity of Mr. Riskind's contribution to my education allowed me to pursue this passion during my undergraduate career, and it certainly took some of the financial burden off my family, particularly as an out of state student. Having been passionate about Spanish and then falling in love with IU, it was an easy choice to continue in the M.A. Hispanic Linguistics program here in Bloomington.”
Fellowship recipients express gratitude for opportunies fellowships provide.

Liz McDyer
Liz McDyer: "The Merle E. Simmons Fellowship Fund allowed me to conduct interviews with authors, access archives, and observe shrines in Mexico for my project, which examines contemporary literary and film depictions of the figure of the Virgin Mary in Mexican, Colombian, Caribbean and U.S. Latino narratives. I explore how contemporary authors and directors deploy the figure of the Virgin Mary in response to U.S. imperial influences that shape global and transnational power relations. This fellowship enabled me to complete the research necessary to bring my project alive and incorporate a broad view of U.S. influence and Mexican national discourse in contemporary uses of the figure of the Virgin."

Gibran Delgado-Díaz
Gibran Delgado-Díaz: "The Rogers Summer Dissertation Award will help me finish collecting the data for my dissertation in Puerto Rico. To complete my study, I need to be on the western part of the island and collect data for several weeks, followed by travel within Puerto Rico in order to meet with participants and interview them. Having this award will make it possible to travel and collect this vital data. In addition, this allows me to focus on my dissertation without having to worry about finding a summer job in order to fund my investigations and pay for my expenses."

Matt Johnson
Matt Johnson: "The DSAAA (Doctoral Student Academic Achievement Award) will allow me to teach two classes in the fall and have the spring semester free from teaching responsibilities, giving me time to dedicate exclusively to my dissertation project. I aim to defend my proposal in the fall of 2016, so this extra time in the spring will allow me to write and lay the groundwork for the dissertation. Teaching is always a significant time commitment, and this award is therefore an important opportunity because of the additional research freedom it will provide me."