- Ph.D., Hispanic Linguistics, Ohio State University, 2007
- M.A., Linguistics, University of Coimbra, 1999
- B.A., Classical Languages, University of Coimbra, 1996

Patrícia Amaral
Professor, Spanish and Portuguese
Adjunct, Linguistics
Professor, Spanish and Portuguese
Adjunct, Linguistics
My research focuses on how lexical, contextual, and pragmatic factors affect interpretation in systematic ways. I have a longstanding interest in studying different types of meaning (e.g., presuppositions, conventional implicatures, conversational implicatures) and providing tests to identify them. I am also interested in how inferential mechanisms in interpretation play a role in semantic change and have recently been involved in several projects that study syntactic and semantic change in Ibero-Romance (particularly Portuguese and Spanish). In addition, I have worked on language contact; I have done some research on the morpho-syntax and semantics of Barranquenho, a variety spoken in the southeast of Portugal, close to the border. In my work I adopt a variety of methodologies, ranging from analyzing corpus data to experimental methods.