Castellanos Moya will give a public reading from his novel Insensatez
-Castellanos Moya will give a public reading from his novel Insensatez at 10 AM in GA 1100. That same day, the department will hold a conversation with Castellanos Moya regarding another novel of his entitled El sueño del retorno from 4 to 6 in GA 2134. I have attached a flier advertising Castellano Moya’s visit, and please share the event with with others who may be interested.

Cellphone film festival showcasing students' collaborative films.
-Cellphone movie flyerThere will be the first cellphone film festival showcasing students' collaborative films that have come out of two sections of HISP-S 322 (Introduction to Film Analysis in Spanish) that I have taught during the fall and spring semesters. In short, students were organized into groups of four and made short films (two to five minutes) with dialogue in Spanish. In addition, students were tasked with including at least three concepts or theoretical ideas from the course in their films.
In the Shadow of Cortes - Professor Kathleen Ann Myers
-Professor Kathleen Ann Myers & Steve Raymer:
In the Shadow of Cortés—From Veracruz to Mexico City
Opening reception Friday, April 5th, 5-8 pm
Show runs March 30-April 20
M-F, 9-7; Sat, 9-5.
Open later and on Sundays during theatre performances.
Ivy Tech – John Waldron Arts Center
122 S Walnut Ave
Bloomington, IN 47404
January Hispanic Linguistics Brown Bag Series
-Dr. Steven Alcorn - Using PsychoPy to design linguistic experiments.
February Hispanic Linguistics Brown Bag Series
-Eliot Raynor - Referential ambiguity of mano and pie in Colombia: A case of substrate semantic transfer.

Spring 2019 Literature Colloquium Series
-"Mechanisms of Wonder: The Performance of Marvels in Don Quixote Part II"As other scholars of Cervantes have noted, Don Quixote’s imagined reality in Part II of Don Quixote is markedly different than the one presented in Part I of the novel.
March Hispanic Linguistics Brown Bag Series
-Valentyna Filimonova - Variation in production and perception of social deixis in Mexican Spanish.
April Hispanic Linguistics Brown Bag Series
-Dylan Jarrett - The effects of discourse coherence on the shifting information status of Spanish appositives.

2020 Brazilian Literary Spring panels
-Brazilian authors and professor travel to IU for Brazilian Literary Spring panels.
Digital Library Brown Bag Series
-Presented by Hai Hu, Patrícia Amaral, and Sandra Kübler - Modeling semantic change with word embeddings using small historical corpora