Laura Gurzynski-Weiss

Laura Gurzynski-Weiss

Professor, Spanish and Portuguese


  • Ph.D., with distinction, Georgetown University, 2010
  • M.S., Georgetown University, 2007
  • B.A., Marquette University, 2005

About Laura Gurzynski-Weiss


I specialize in the field of instructed second language acquisition (ISLA), which studies how additional languages (L2s) are acquired in instructed contexts (classrooms, immersion programs, applications, etc.), and what can be done to maximize learning outcomes. My research expands our understanding of variables that may affect L2 learning using distinct and complementary approaches, including but not limited to the cognitive-interactionist approach and complex dynamic systems theory, usage-based and variationist lenses, and psycholinguistic methods. 

A cornerstone of my research is ensuring that the data I collect are impactful beyond academia. My work directly informs L2 learning opportunities in elementary, high school, and university contexts in our Bloomington and greater Indiana communities, contributes to national and international conversations on ISLA and task-based language teaching (TBLT), and almost all occurs in collaborative engagement with students at undergraduate and graduate levels, within and beyond the classroom. I am committed to sharing my work via open access on,, and via the open-access educational resource site that I founded and direct, the TBLT Language Learning Task Bank,


I teach two undergraduate courses regularly: Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics (HISP-S326), and the Acquisition of Spanish (HISP-S430). For the former course, I co-authored a textbook with faculty colleagues Díaz-Campos and Geeslin (Introducción y aplicaciones contextualizadas a la lingüística hispánica, Wiley Blackwell, 2017) and, with former students Daniel Jung (Wake Forest  University), Carly Carver (Augusta University), Nofiya Denbaum-Restrepo (Minnesota State University), collaboratively designed a task-based companion set of materials for use with the textbook.

The graduate courses I teach include L2 teaching methodology and curriculum design (HISP-S517), the required training course for all our associate instructors, as well as seminars in second language acquisition including Task-Based Language Teaching and Learning (TBLT), Individual Differences (IDs), ISLA Research Methods, the Acquisition of L2 Spanish in Instructed Contexts, and Second Language Acquisition for Spanish Teaching, an online course for Indiana high school Spanish teachers that I co-designed with Josh Prada (Groningen University).


I am passionate about professional service and am currently President of the International Association for Task-Based Language Teaching (IATBLT) for the 2023-2027 term ( I also serve as co-editor (with Nina Spada) Language Learning and Language Teaching book series (John Benjamins) and on the editorial boards of the journals TASK (John Benjamins), Studies in Second Language Learning and Language Teaching (SSLT), and the book series Research Methods in Applied Linguistics (John Benjamins). Additionally, I founded and direct the TBLT Task Bank, an open-access repository for task-based materials ( and am actively involved in the Open Applied Linguistics AILA Research Network (


  • Instructed second language acquisition
  • Interaction- and task-based classroom research and curricular design
  • Instructor characteristics and learner individual differences
  • Emerging bilingualism in elementary-aged children
  • US K-12 world language education
  • Feedback use and perception
  • Teacher cognition

Special issues
  • Gurzynski-Weiss, L. (2020). In pursuit of the dynamic nature of learner individual differences. [Special issue]. Studies in Second Language Learning and Language Teaching, 10(1).
  • Gurzynski-Weiss, L., Long, A. Y., & Solon, M. (Eds.) (2017). TBLT and L2 pronunciation: Do the benefits of tasks extend beyond grammar and lexis? [Special issue]. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 39(2).
Peer-reviewed articles and chapters
  • Gurzynski-Weiss, L., & Brandy, A. (in preparation). The role of teacher individual differences in instructed second language acquisition. Invited in M. Sato & S. Loewen (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Instructed Second Language Acquisition
  • Gurzynski-Weiss, L., & Pineault, C. (in preparation). Open-access sites as catalysts for teacher education: Insights from the TBLT Task Bank. Invited in X. Gutierrez, B. Ogilvie, & L. Bryfonski (Eds.), Tasks in teacher education (Special issue for the TASK journal).
  • Gurzynski-Weiss, L. (in preparation). The TBLT Task Bank: An open-access collaboration between teachers, researchers, and teacher trainers. Invited in M. Sato (Ed.), Researcher-Practitioner Collaborations.
  • Serafini, E. J., Torres, J., & Gurzynski-Weiss, L. (in preparation). Working title: Teachers as change agents: Teacher perceptions of and approaches to designing and implementing ‘critical’ tasks. Invited in P. Toth (Ed.), Advancing social justice in language education.
  • Gurzynski-Weiss, L., Wray, M., & Coulter-Kern, M. (accepted). Broadening needs analysis in primary school settings: An example from L2 Spanish in the United States. Invited in R. Gilabert & A. Malicka (Eds.), Task-based needs analysis. John Benjamins.

  • Zalbidea, J., Gurzynski-Weiss, L., & Baralt, M. (in press). La enseñanza mediante tareas. In C. Sanz, E. Serafini, & I. Taboada (Eds.), Manual para la formación de profesores de español. Wiley-Blackwell.

  • Carver, C. & Gurzynski-Weiss, L. (in press). Task-based domestic immersion: Insights from teacher implementation. In C. Lambert (Ed.), Designing tasks for teaching foreign languages: Principles and practices. Cambridge University Press.

  • Gurzynski-Weiss, L., Wray, M., & Coulter-Kern, M., & Bernardo, J. (2024). Task-based elementary Spanish in rural Indiana: A practitioner-based study. In A. Thompson (Ed.), Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching (Special issue) 14(1), 121-148.

  • Gurzynski-Weiss, L., Bryfonski, L., & Reagan, D. (2024). Teacher individual differences and task adaptations: Making use of the TBLT Language Learning Task Bank. In S. Li (Ed.), Individual differences in task-based language teaching (pp. 325-355). John Benjamins.

  • Jarrett, D., & Gurzynski-Weiss, L. (2023). Task-specific motivation and the development of Spanish L2 self during domestic immersion. TASK 3(1), 140-177.
  • Gurzynski-Weiss, L., & Kim, Y. J. (2022b). Chapter 1: Getting started. In L. Gurzynski-Weiss & Y. J. Kim (Eds.), Instructed second language acquisition research methods (pp. 3-30). John Benjamins.

  • Gurzynski-Weiss, L., & Kim, Y. J. (2022c). Chapter 6: Unique considerations for ISLA research across approaches. In L. Gurzynski-Weiss & Y.J. Kim (Eds.), Instructed second language acquisition research methods (pp. 125-148). John Benjamins.

  • Kim, Y. J., & Gurzynski-Weiss, L. (2022). Chapter 15: Sharing your work: Contributing to the advancement of the field. In L. Gurzynski-Weiss & Y. J. Kim (Eds.), Instructed second language acquisition research methods (pp. 355-378). John Benjamins.
  • Baralt, Sachs, & Gurzynski-Weiss (2022). Applied psycholinguistics outside of the lab: Psycholinguistics in the language classroom. In A. Godfroid & H. Hopp (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of applied psycholinguistics. Routledge.
  • Gurzynski-Weiss, L. (2022). Learner individual differences and L2 speaking. In P. Hiver, M. Papi, & S. Li (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of second language acquisition and individual differences. Routledge.
  • Gurzynski-Weiss, L., Coulter-Kern, M., & Kuntz, T. (2021). Engagement and emerging elementary-level L2 Spanish: Detailing the status quo and identifying opportunities. Foreign Language Annals, 54.
  • Gurzynski-Weiss, L., Giacomino, L. & Jarrett, D. (2021). Examining high school learners’ experience of task motivation and difficulty in a two-week Spanish immersion camp. In M. Ahmadian & M. H. Long (Eds.), Cambridge handbook of task-based language teaching and learning (pp. 566-584). Cambridge University Press.
  • Carver, C., Jung, D., & Gurzynski-Weiss, L. (2021). Examining learner engagement in relationship to learning and communication mode. In P. Hiver, A. H. Al-Hoorie, & S. Mercer (Eds.), Student engagement in the language classroom (pp. 120-142). Multilingual Matters.
  • Geeslin, K. L., & Gurzynski-Weiss, L. (2020). Tenure and promotion. In L. Plonsky (Ed.), Professional development in applied linguistics: A guide to success for graduate students and early career faculty (pp. 181-202). John Benjamins.
  • Jung, D., Gurzynski-Weiss, L., DiBartolomeo, M., Giacomino, L., Melero-García, F. (2020). Dynamic individual differences? An empirical example of a longitudinal design. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching 10(1), 177-219.
  • Philp, J., & Gurzynski-Weiss, L. (2020). On the role of the interlocutor in second language development: A cognitive-interactionist approach. In L. Gurzynski-Weiss (Ed.), Cross-theoretical explorations of interlocutors and their individual differences (pp. 20-50). John Benjamins.
  • Gurzynski-Weiss, L., Geeslin, K. L., Daidone, D., Linford, B., Long, A. Y., Michalski, I., & Solon, M. (2018). L2 classrooms as multifaceted sources of input: The synergy of variationist and usage-based approaches. In A. Tyler, L. Ortega, M. Uno, & H. I. Park (Eds.), Usage-inspired L2 instruction: Researched pedagogy (pp. 293-313). John Benjamins.
  • Gurzynski-Weiss, L. (2017c). Instructor individual characteristics and L2 interaction. In L. Gurzynski-Weiss (Ed.), Expanding individual difference research in the interaction approach: Investigating learners, instructors, and other interlocutors (pp. 151-172). John Benjamins.
  • Gurzynski-Weiss, L. (2017b). Introduction. In L. Gurzynski-Weiss (Ed.), Expanding individual difference research in the interaction approach: Investigating learners, instructors, and other interlocutors (pp. 3-18). John Benjamins.
  •  Gurzynski-Weiss, L., & Plonsky, L. (2017). Look who’s interacting: A scoping review of research involving non-teacher/non-peer interlocutors. In L. Gurzynski-Weiss (Ed.), Expanding individual difference research in the interaction approach: Investigating learners, instructors, and other interlocutors (pp. 305-324). John Benjamins.
  • Gurzynski-Weiss, L., Geeslin, K. L., Long, A. Y.; Daidone, D. (2017). Linguistic variation in instructor provision of oral input. In L. Gurzynski-Weiss (Ed.), Expanding individual difference research in the interaction approach: Investigating learners, instructors, and other interlocutors (pp. 225-254). John Benjamins.
  • Gurzynski-Weiss, L., Henderson, C., & Jung, D. (2017). Examining timing and type of learner-modified output in relation to perception in face-to-face and synchronous computer-mediated chat task-based interaction. In M. Ahmadian & P. García Mayo (Eds.), Multiple perspectives on task-based language teaching and learning (pp. 53-76).  de Gruyter.
  • Gurzynski-Weiss, L., Solon, M., & Long, A. Y. (2017). Introduction. In Gurzynski-Weiss, L., Long, A. Y., & Solon, M. (Eds.), TBLT and L2 pronunciation: Do the benefits of tasks extend beyond grammar and lexis? [Special issue]. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 39(2), 213-224.
  • Solon, M., Long, A. Y., & Gurzynski-Weiss, L. (2017). Task complexity, language-related episodes, and production of L2 Spanish vowels. In Gurzynski-Weiss, L., Long, A. Y., & Solon, M. (Eds.). TBLT and L2 pronunciation: Do the benefits of tasks extend beyond grammar and lexis? [Special issue]. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 39(2), 347-380.
  • Gurzynski-Weiss, L. (2017a). L2 instructor individual characteristics. In S. Loewen & M. Sato (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of instructed second language acquisition (pp. 451-467). Routledge.
  • Révész, A., & Gurzynski-Weiss, L. (2016). Teachers' perspectives on second language task difficulty: Insights from think-alouds and eye-tracking. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 36, 182-204.
  • Baralt, M., Gurzynski-Weiss, L., & Kim, Y. (2016). The effects of task type and classroom environment on learners’ engagement with the language. In M. Sato & S. Ballinger (Eds.), Peer interaction and L2 learning (pp. 209-239). John Benjamins.
  • Gurzynski-Weiss, L. (2016b). Spanish instructors’ operationalization and interpretation of task complexity and sequencing in non-experimental foreign language lessons. The Language Learning Journal 44(4), 467-486.
  • Gurzynski-Weiss, L. (2016a). Factors influencing Spanish instructors’ in-class feedback decisions. Modern Language Journal, 100(1), 255-275.
  • Gurzynski-Weiss, L., Al-Khalil, M., Baralt, M., & Leow, R. (2015). The roles of type of feedback and type of linguistic item on L2 awareness in computer-mediated communication. In R. Leow, L. Cerezo, & M. Baralt (Eds.), Technology and second/foreign language learning: A psycholinguistic approach (pp. 151-170). de Gruyter.
  • Gurzynski-Weiss, L., & Baralt, M. (2015). A closer look at learner responses to feedback and their effect on noticing in face-to-face and computer-mediated task-based interaction. Applied Psycholinguistics, 36(6), 1393-1420.
  • Gurzynski-Weiss, L., Long, A. Y., & Solon, M. (2015). Comparing interaction and use of space in traditional and innovative classroom spaces. Hispania, 98(1), 61-78.
  • Plonsky, L., & Gurzynski-Weiss, L. (2014). Research methods. In C. Fäcke (Ed.) Manual of language acquisition (pp. 31-49). de Gruyter.
  • Gurzynski-Weiss, L., & Baralt, M. (2014). Exploring learner perception and use of task-based interactional feedback in face-to-face and computer-mediated modes. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 36(1), 1-37.
  • Gurzynski-Weiss, L. (2014b). Triangulating graduate instructor learning in FL teaching methods: Questionnaires, concept maps, and reflective teaching journals. In Proceedings of the World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Educational Leadership, 141, 171-181.
  • Gurzynski-Weiss, L. (2014a). Graduate instructor in-class cognition and feedback provision over time. In R. T. Miller, K. I. Martin, C. M. Eddington, A. Henery, N. M. Miguel, A. Tseng, A. Tuninetti, & D. Walter (Eds.), Selected proceedings of the 2012 Second Language Research Forum, 227-239.
  • Gurzynski-Weiss, L. (2013). Instructor characteristics and classroom-based second language acquisition of Spanish. In K. L. Geeslin (Ed.), The handbook of Spanish second language acquisition (pp. 530-546). Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Gurzynski-Weiss, L., & Révész, A. (2012). Tasks, teacher feedback, and learner modified output in naturally occurring classroom interaction. Language Learning, 62(3), 851-879.
  • Baralt, M., & Gurzynski-Weiss, L. (2011). Comparing learners’ state anxiety during task-based interaction in computer-mediated and face-to-face communication. Language Teaching Research, 15(2), 201-229.

Grants, Honors, and Awards

  • 2024 Office for the Vice Provost of International Affairs International Conference Travel Award. $1500.
  • 2024 Spring Graduate Research Assistant (Competitive Award); Department of Spanish & Portuguese
  • 2023 Faculty Academy in Excellence in Teaching (FACET) Inductee, Indiana University
  • 2023 Office for the Vice Provost of International Affairs International Conference Travel Award. $1500.
  • 2022 Office for the Vice Provost of International Affairs International Conference Travel Award. $1500.
  • 2021 Spring Graduate Research Assistant (Competitive Award); Department of Spanish & Portuguese
  • Vice Provost for Research Grant for “Emerging bilingualism in elementary-level exposure track Spanish: A collaboration with Monroe County.” $44,600; 2020-2022
  • Center for Rural Engagement Grant for “Emerging bilingualism in elementary-level exposure track Spanish: A collaboration with DuBois County.” $16,300; 2020-2022
  • Outstanding Mentor Award; Department of Spanish & Portuguese Graduate Student Advisory Committee; 2020
  • Graduate Research Assistantship; Department of Spanish & Portuguese; Spring 2021
  • Institute for Advanced Study Individual Research Award for “Task-based Spanish Immersion in the US: The intersection of L2 research and pedagogy.” $3000; 2020
  • Graduate Research Assistantship; Department of Spanish & Portuguese; Spring 2020
  • 2020 Center for Rural Engagement Award for “Emerging bilingualism in elementary-level FLEX Spanish.” $16,300
  • 2020 Office of the Vice Provost for Research Award for “Emerging bilingualism in elementary-level FLEX Spanish.” $44,600
  • 2020 International Association of Task-Based Language Teaching and Learning Award for “TBLT Language Learning Task Bank” $7600
  • 2020 Institute for Advanced Study Individual Research Award for “Task-based Spanish Immersion in the US: The intersection of L2 research and pedagogy.” $3000
  • 2020 Curriculum Development Award ($8000)
  • 2020 Outstanding Mentor Award; Department of Spanish & Portuguese Graduate Student Advisory Committee, 2020
  • Graduate Research Assistantship; Department of Spanish & Portuguese; Spring 2019
  • 2018 Distinguished Research Award (with Andrea Révész, University College London); Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
  • International Conference Travel Grant; Office of the Vice Provost of International Affairs; $800; 2017
  • Graduate Research Assistantship; Department of Spanish & Portuguese; Fall 2016
  • Trustees Teaching Award; Spring 2016
  • Office of the Vice Provost of International Affairs Short-Term International Visitors Grant for “Symposium on Interlocutor Individual Differences in Cognition and Second Language Acquisition”; $1500; 2015
  • College Arts and Humanities Institute Conference Grant for “Symposium on Interlocutor Individual Differences in Cognition and Second Language Acquisition”; $7576; 2014
  • Outstanding Mentor Award; Department of Spanish & Portuguese Graduate Student Advisory Committee; 2014
  • Graduate Research Assistantship; Department of Spanish & Portuguese; Fall 2014
  • International Conference Travel Grant; Office of the Vice Provost of International Affairs; $1500; 2014
  • Grant-in-Aid, Office for the Vice Provost of Research; $3000; 2014
  • Institute for European Studies International Travel Grant; $800; 2013
  • Short-Term Faculty Exchange with the Universidad de Sevilla, Office for the Vice Provost of International Affairs; 2013; 2014
  • Center for Arts & Humanities Institute Grant for Hispanic Linguistics Guest Lecture; $1000; 2012
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Research Grant from the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education; $5000; 2011-2012

Selected current research projects

  • Founder and Project Director, The Task-Based Language Teaching and Learning Task Bank,
  • (Re)conceptualizing K-12 world language education in the US with Meg Montee (Georgetown University) an Sijia Huang (Indiana University)
  • Open access educational resources in applied linguistics: Focusing on research-practitioner collaborations
  • Critical task-based language teaching with Ellen J. Serafini (George Mason University) and Julio R. Torres (University of California at Irvine)
  • Utilizing the Task Bank in teacher education: A multi-site study with Lara Bryfonski and Caitlyn Pineault (Georgetown) 

2024-2025 engagements include:

  • AILA World Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; August 2024
  • American Association of Applied Linguists (AAAL) Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado; March 2025
  • IATBLT Biennial Conference, Groningen, the Netherlands; April 2025