Ollin García Pliego is a Ph.D. Candidate in Hispanic Literatures and Cultures at Indiana University, Bloomington. He holds an MFA in Spanish Creative Writing from the University of Iowa (2018) and a B.A. in History and Hispanic Cultures from Lawrence University (2015). In his doctoral dissertation, he uses political philosophy and sociology to understand better the representations of violence in geographies such as Mexico, Central America, and Brazil in oeuvres such as Roberto Bolaño's 2666, Óscar Martínez's Los migrantes que no importan, Gioconda Belli's El país bajo mi piel, and Omar Cabezas' La montaña es algo más que una inmensa estepa verde. As a pedagogue, Ollin has taught Spanish Language and Grammar, Hispanic Cultures, and Latin American History at the University of Iowa, Indiana University, and Butler University. As a writer, his narrative and poetry have appeared in magazines such as Literal Magazine: Latin American Voices (U.S.), DIGOPALABRA.TXT (U.S.), Revista Corónica (Colombia), and Chiricú Journal: Latina/o Literatures and Cultures (U.S.). Ya no soy el conejito que se comía las uñas is his first book of poetry and will be published by RiL Editores (Chile) in the fall of 2024 and by Valparaíso Ediciones (Spain, Colombia, and Mexico) in the spring of 2025.

Ollin García Pliego
Doctoral Student, Hispanic Literatures