Once again, our outstanding undergraduates were recognized for their many academic accomplishments both by the department and the university. Congratulations to all!
Honors and awards
Ivette Dreyer, B.A. in Spanish, received one of the highest undergraduate honors in the College of Arts and Sciences, a 2020 Executive Dean's Award for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity, for her project entitled "Pragmatic Variation of Forms of Address in Golden Age Spanish." Ivette was also the winner of the 2020 Provost's Awards for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity in the Social and Applied Sciences category. Her research project was the product of her honors thesis in Spanish Pragmatics directed by Professor César Félix-Brasdefer.

Stuart Sones published an article, "The World Upside-Down: The Carnivalesque Studio in Entre visillos," in the Indiana University Journal of Undergraduate Research supported by the Office of the Vice Provost of Undergraduate Education.
Selected for the IU Board of Aeons
Kathryn Petersen (selected President)
Austen Ott
2020 IU Distinguished Latino Undergraduate Student
Patricia Cornejo
Onward! The Curtis R. Simic Scholarship for Leaders
Clayton Underhill
Jasmine Vann
Matthew Williams
2020 Wells Senior Award
Lauren Meadows
Selected as Wells Scholar
Kathryn Petersen

2020 Elvis J. Stahr Senior Award
Neha Srinivasan
2020 Spanish and Portuguese Outstanding Graduating Senior
Neha Srinivasan, for the exemplary constellation of her contributions to the IU community and beyond. As her nomination letter from award-winning faculty member Israel Herrera states, "Neha is a true example of excellence in all academic, research, service and extracurricular activities. She has been recognized with national, state, and campus awards and scholarships for her work and… has demonstrated academic achievement, intellectual ability, and service to others... She is an impressive person, exceptional professional, and future influential leader of the United States."
2020 Spanish and Portuguese Outstanding Undergraduate Research
Thalia Taylor, for her extensive four-semesters of work on women's voices from medieval Andalusian poetry, conducted here in Bloomington and in Madrid, using her knowledge of Spanish and Arabic.
2020 Spanish and Portuguese Outstanding Undergraduate Community Engagement
Eduardo Duro, for his extensive engagement with Cafezinho, The Brazilian Student Association, the Global Living Learning community, Teatro VIDA, IU's International Advocacy Group, and the LeaderShape Institute.
Meena Moorthy, for her extensive engagement with La Escuelita, Monroe County Public Library, and Spanish-based work with Timmy Global Health in Guatemala.

Vanessa Quiroga, for her extensive engagement with Paso a Paso, La Casa, and College Mentors.
Elected to Phi Beta Kappa (ΦBK)
Haley Begay
Sarah Carter
Madeline Everhart
Alexander Gimeno
Connor Hargett
Victoria Martine
Abigail McClain
Inducted into IUB Alpha Alpha Phi Chapter of Sigma Delta Pi
Jasmine Vann
Kathryn Petersen
Alexandra Rebein
Olivia Rosario-Hoover
Luke Smith
Thalia Taylor
Katherine Tilghman