Fall 2018


HISP-C 491 Elementary Catalan for Graduate Students (3 credits)

Globalization has unified economies, torn down political barriers, and turned local spaces into tourist attractions. In this context, Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia, has become a successful global city that offers a balanced combination of vibrant economic activity and Mediterranean relaxed lifestyle. Its cultural centers, its architectural and artistic heritage, its sunny beaches, and its cool nightlife have also turned Catalonia into one of the world’s most fashionable tourist destinations. The names of some modern Catalan creators are familiar to all: Gaudí, Miró, Dalí, to name just three.

At the heart of this success lies an enigmatic element: the presence and vitality of the Catalan language. In the last decades, Catalan, spoken by approximately 10 million people, has both maintained a high cultural prestige and increased its public presence remaining a key political tool in Catalonia and the other Catalan-speaking areas.

This introductory course to Catalan language and culture aims at providing a basic knowledge of the Catalan language. The intensive study of Catalan, geared primarily at reading knowledge, but not limited to it, will be complemented with a cultural overview of Catalonia and the Catalan-speaking lands (Catalunya, País Valencià, Illes Balears, Andorra, Catalunya Nord, and the city of l’Alguer in Sardinia). The case of Catalonia and its unique and exemplary characteristics will be a perfect occasion to undertake more general reflections on the intricate relations between language, culture, politics, and globalization.

HISP-C 491 #7566 10:10A-11:00A MWF WH 104 STAFF

Note: Above class meets with HISP-C 105 and HISP-X 491.

Note: Above class is for graduate students only.


HISP-P 491 Elementary Portuguese for Graduate Students (3-4 credits)

An accelerated introduction to the structure of the Portuguese language, covering in one semester content matter usually reviewed in two semesters. This course is taught in Portuguese

HISP-P 491 #12612 10:10A-11:00A MTWR SY 0013 STAFF

Note: Above class meets with HISP-P 135, #6574

Note: Above class for Graduate Students Only.

HISP-P 492 Reading Portuguese for Graduate Students (3-4 credits)

Prerequisite: P491 or equivalent.

An advanced course designed to build vocabulary and competence in more sophisticated written Portuguese. It involves composition, reading and grammar. Themes are drawn primarily from current issues in Brazil.

This course is a continuation of P491 and is taught in Portuguese.

HISP-P 492 #2375 11:15A-12:30P TR WH 104 STAFF

Note: Above class meets jointly with HISP-P 311.

Note: Above class for Graduate Students only.

HISP-P 500 Literatures of the Portuguese-Speaking World I (3 credits)

This course introduces students to Portuguese, Brazilian, and Lusophone-African literature. It is the first of a two part survey covering works written from the medieval period through romanticism in Brazil and Portugal—students are not obliged to take both parts of the survey. The emergence of an African and African-Brazilian literature will also be discussed. Representative literary authors and works serve as the basis for interdisciplinary and cross-cultural commentary of important social, political and historical issues, including imperialism and overseas expansion, nation building, and revolution. The course combines lecture and discussion, and is conducted in Portuguese. Students not taking the course for Portuguese credit can write assignments, exams, and essays in English or Spanish.

HISP-P 500 #31511 1:00P–2:15P TR LH 328 Prof. Estela Vieira

HISP-P 695 Luso-Brazilian Colloquium (3 credits)

Variable Title: Thinking in Portuguese: Essay, Criticism, Theory in the Lusophone Tradition

Beginning with Ribeiro Sanches and Luís António Verney, two major figures of the Portuguese Enlightenment, this course surveys the writing of some of the most influential thinkers, literary, historians, and cultural critics of the Luso-Brazilian nineteenth and twentieth centuries, including Joaquim Nabuco, Antero de Quental, Gilberto Freyre, Antônio Cândido, Silviano Santiago, Roberto Schwarz, Alfredo Bosi, Jorge de Sena, Edurado Lourenço. Boaventura Sousa Santos, the “três Marias” among others. Our task will be to study the aesthetic debates and the sociopolitical contexts informing these tests, reflect on how these intellectual and philosophical traditions have shaped Lusophone literary history and culture, as well as to reflect on their form and methods.

This course carries CASE A & H and GCC2 credit.

HISP-P 695 #31483 2:30P-3:45P TR LH 025 Prof. Estela Vieira

Note: This course is jointly offered with HISP-P 495.

Hispanic Linguistics

HISP-S 513: Introduction to Hispanic Sociolinguistics

1. Descripción del curso:

El curso de introducción a la sociolingüística hispánica tiene como principal objetivo iniciar a los alumnos de postgrado en el manejo de los conceptos básicos en el área con especial énfasis en el estudio de la variación y el cambio en diversos niveles de análisis lingüístico. El curso ofrece las herramientas metodológicas básicas no sólo para que puedan interpretar de manera crítica artículos especializados en la disciplina, sino también aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos en el diseño y escritura de una investigación piloto basada en datos orales de manera individual o en grupos pequeños sobre algún tópico de variación sociolingüística que sea de interés. La evaluación del curso se basa en varios aspectos que incluyen presentaciones en clase, discusión, exámenes, trabajos experimentales de codificación y análisis de datos, así como la elaboración del trabajo final.

2. Objetivos:

Al finalizar esta asignatura los estudiantes estarán en capacidad de:

Reconocer los conceptos básicos y la metodología de la sociolingüística variacionista.

Establecer la distinción entre las nociones de variable dependiente y variable independiente

Interpretar las tendencias reflejadas en tablas y cuadros de artículos especializados.

Identificar y definir el ámbito de los fenómenos de variación fonológica.

Identificar y definir el ámbito de los fenómenos de variación morfosintáctica.

Interpretar y establecer la influencia de los factores internos y externos en los fenómenos de variación sociolingüística.

Incorporar las nociones básicas de los modelos basados en el uso en el campo de la investigación sociolingüística.

Emplear los programas de computación disponibles para el estudio de la variación sociolingüística.

Interpretar de manera crítica artículos especializados en el área.

Emplear las nociones estudiadas acerca de los mecanismos del cambio lingüístico en la interpretación de los fenómenos de variación.

Reconocer la importancia de los fenómenos de variación sociolingüística en comunidades bilingües o multilingües.

Aplicar los conocimientos básicos adquiridos en la elaboración de una investigación piloto.

3. Temario:

Tema 1: Fundamentos conceptuales y metodológicos

Tema 2: La sociolingüística cuantitativa

Tema 3: La variación fonológica. La definición de las variables y sus variantes. Los factores internos y externos.

Tema 4: Factores lingüísticos y extralingüísticos que condicionan la variación fonológica.

Tema 5: Factores extralingüísticos (nivel socioeconómico, edad, género y estilo)

Tema 6: Variación morfosintáctica: Definición de la variable dependiente. Factores lingüísticos y extralingüísticos.

Tema 7: Bilingüismo y español en los Estados Unidos

Tema 8: Actitudes e identidad lingüísticas

HISP-S 513 #31857 2:30P–3:45P TR AC C101 Professor Manuel Díaz-Campos

HISP-S 517 Methods of Teaching College Spanish (3 credits)

This course provides a foundation in the theory and techniques for teaching university-level foreign language in a classroom setting. The theoretical background of communicative language teaching will be emphasized with particular attention to task-based language teaching. Students will critically review theories on second language acquisition and learn how to implement current research findings into effective teaching practices. Internal and external factors that affect the language acquisition process will be discussed, as well as how instructors can maximize in-class learning in their role as instructors. The relationships between instructor characteristics and learning opportunities will also be examined. Throughout the semester, students will lead and participate in discussions, complete classroom observations, and carry out teaching evaluations. Students will also collaboratively design classroom tasks, assessments and lesson plans for future use in an online teaching portfolio. This course is guided by three basic questions:

How do adult students learn a foreign language in a classroom setting?

What internal and external factors contribute to/complicate learning in this context?

How can we as instructors utilize this information to maximize opportunities for language learning within our current and future classrooms?

HISP-S 517 #9264 10:10A-11:00A MWF GA 0009 Professor Laura Gurzynski-Weiss

HISP-S 612: Topics in Linguistic Variation and Language in Context

Variable Title: Pragmatic variation: Theory and method (3 credits)

This course takes a fresh look at current issues in pragmatic variation and the methods used to examine linguistic and social variation. We will critically review the variationist model to analyze the extent to which it can be applied to investigate variation (regional, social, age, and gender) at the pragmatic/discourse level. The first part of the course will review basic concepts of pragmatics and discourse, followed by a study of two current models of linguistic variation: the 'variationist linguistic model' and ‘variational pragmatics’, which examines variation in pragmatics from a sociolinguistic (dialectology/applied linguistics) perspective. The second part of the course focuses on empirical studies that analyze pragmatic and discourse variation. Research methods for the analysis of pragmatic/discourse variation will also be covered: experimental methods in pragmatics, sociolinguistic interviews, field-notes, corpus linguistics, recording of natural conversation, and online data for the analysis of computer-mediated discourse. Evaluation is based on short assignments, an exam, class participation, and a research project that examines pragmatic variation in a first or second language context. (course will be taught in Spanish; readings will be in English).

There will be invited speakers to promote discussion of theoretical and methodological issues in pragmatic variation [discussions in English])

Contact Professor Félix-Brasdefer (cfelixbr@indiana.edu) for information about this course.

HISP-S 612 #11610 9:30A-10:45A TR WH 108 Professor César Félix-Brasdefer

HISP-S 614 Topics in Second Language Acquisition: Task-Based Language Teaching & Learning (3 credits)

This advanced graduate course explores the theory and research of task-based language teaching and learning (TBLT) and its pedagogical applications. Key components of TBLT will be examined in detail, to include needs analysis, curriculum, syllabus, and task design, as well as sequencing tasks according to the cognitive demands placed on learners. Cognitive-interactionist and psycholinguistic approaches to researching tasks in relation to language learning—with primary foci on fluency, accuracy, complexity, and attention—will be explored, as will criteria for evaluating the efficacy of task-based materials for classroom contexts, and challenges with translating TBLT research findings into pedagogical contexts.

Students will engage in instructor- and student-led critical discussions of TBLT theory and research in order to inform task-based pedagogical applications, including a robust needs analysis for the Spanish and Portuguese department at IU. Students will also design project proposals for original TBLT research in an experimental or classroom context and will be encouraged to submit their course-required abstracts to the next biennial conference on TBLT.

Students enrolled in this course should have a background in the field of second language acquisition and linguistic theory (S515 or equivalent) and a basic understanding of research methods commonly used in the field.

Professor Laura Gurzynski-Weiss

email: lgurzyns

HISP-S 614 #31865 4:00P–6:30P R BH 321 Prof. Laura Gurzynski-Weiss

Hispanic Literatures

HISP-S 512: Theory and Criticism (3 credits)

Theory and Resistance in Hispanic Studies

Professor Patrick Dove

This course provides an introduction to the theoretical underpinnings of literary and cultural criticism, with a dual emphasis on (1) becoming familiar with major debates and conceptual vocabularies in the theoretical Humanities; and (2) exploring how theoretical questions and perspectives can inform our interpretive practices in Hispanic Studies, a scholarly and critical field whose history is replete with gestures of rejecting “theory” as an abstract and/or exogenous imposition. Our primary task will be to question and push back against this disciplinary conceit about what is foreign and what is proper to Hispanic cultural production.

During the first part of the course we will read selections from variety of traditions including Continental philosophy, Marxism and post-Marxism, Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis, feminism, subaltern/postcolonial studies, and deconstruction. In the second half of the semester we will explore some examples of theoretically-driven critical work in recent publications (article-length and monographs) in the field of Hispanic literary and cultural studies.

The course will provide students with opportunities to experiment with how trends in contemporary thought might be brought into productive dialogue with scholarship and criticism in Hispanic Studies. By the same token, we will take seriously Paul de Man’s assertion that what we call “theory” can only thrive in contiguity with what resists it; or that “theory” paradoxically names both a project dedicated to the systematization of differences and an other or an excess that resists subjugation to any universal idiom. If “theory” is itself an epistemological confrontation with what is incompatible with all epistemological conquest, could it be that Hispanic Studies in fact offers a uniquely productive site for theoretical innovation today?

Our discussions will be organized in seminar format, with each student responsible for presenting or leading class discussion on a topic to be chosen in consultation with me. Students will write several short response papers and a longer final research paper.

HISP-S 512 #31852 5:45P–8:15P M LH 026 Professor Patrick Dove

HISP-S 558: Colonial Spanish American Literature (3 credits)

Through a study of canonical texts from Colonial Spanish America this course will focus on the development of colonial discourse and on theories about it. First we will examine the chronicles of exploration, conquest and colonization (ca. 1492 – 1600), focusing in particular on the foundation of European concepts about the “New World” (Columbus, Cortés, Bernal Díaz, Las Casas). We will then study indigenous and mestizo authors who draw on these concepts but combine them with local indigenous systems to create a dynamic re-interpretation of colonial processes (Sahagún, El Inca Garcilaso, Guaman Poma). Lastly, we will study the formation of a “barroco de Indias” during the mid-colonial period (ca. 1600-1750) and its flowering in a variety of poetic and dramatic texts (Catalina de Erauso, Ercilla, Balbuena, and Sor Juana). We will study primary sources from the period in conjunction with recent critical works to help us reformulate traditional paradigms about conquest and colonialism. As an extension of our work on primary texts, students will conduct archival research on first editions and manuscript materials at the Lilly Library.

HISP-S 558 #31859 11:15A–12:30P TR WH 118 Professor Kathleen Myers

HISP-S 588 U.S. Latino Literature (3 credits)

This course will provide students with a panoramic view of U.S. Latina/o literature. We will study Latina/o literary production through close readings of short stories, poems, plays, and novels. Our readings will be further informed by critical essays on Latina/o subjectivities, nation/nationalism, race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, class, and socio-political history, with the aim of giving students insights into recent trends in the field. Among the authors we will read are Gloria Anzaldúa, Julia de Burgos, Tomás Rivera, Américo Paredes, Junot Díaz, Helena María Viramontes, and Cherríe Moraga.

HISP-S 588 #31861 6:00P–8:30P T WH 118 Professor R. Andrés Guzmán

HISP-S 628 Topics in Early Modern Spanish Literature (3 credits)

Variable Title: Cervantes and The Senses: Body/Brain/Mind/Cognition

This course will explore Don Quixote and other early modern Spanish texts in their cultural context, with special emphasis on brains, bodies, minds and especially the senses, alongside readings in early modern scientific and philosophical thought as well as current theories and research from cognitive studies.

Primary readings will be mostly in Spanish, while secondary readings are mostly in English. The class meetings will be conducted in Spanish and/or English depending on the make-up of the class. This class counts towards the graduate major in Spanish literature and should count towards the doctoral minor in Renaissance Studies and also towards the doctoral minor in Cognitive Science.

HISP-S 628 # 31867 1:00P–2:15P TR LH 112 Professor Steven Wagschal

HISP-S 668 Topics in 19th and early 20th century Spanish American literature: Cosmopolitanism and Literary Cultures across the Atlantic (3 credits)

The 19th century witnessed the rise of national literature, both as a critical construct that defined literature as a specific discourse with a traceable historical trajectory that was the expression of a people, and as a framework within which writers themselves understood their own literary production. This process defined the way literature was to be understood, approached, produced, read, and studied until today. Yet, the 19th century also saw the rise of a supranational consciousness. The emergence of new empires and nations, of new colonial enterprises, of new economic and ideological forces brought about the rise of a new global order and a renewed sense of universalism impregnated literary and cultural production and circulation, giving birth to the notion of World Literature. Since then, the “national” and the “cosmopolitan” have had a conflicted relationship, at times viewed as antagonistic and irreconcilable positions within literary culture. At times, however, both have gone hand in hand under the assumption that only through being one, literature could also be the other. In the case of literatures in Spanish, the national-cosmopolitan tension was inevitably marked by the colonial past and the postcolonial/post-imperial present within a new global political and cultural order that rendered the Spanish-speaking world marginal, when not simply irrelevant.

Focusing on the notion of Cosmopolitanism (and to a lesser extent on the idea of World literature), this course aims to explore this complex dynamic in the long 19th century and well into the 20th. Although the course will center mainly on Spanish American literary culture, attention will also be given to Peninsular literature, the relationship between both and how this relationship helped determine a constellation of related and often oppositional expressions (such as cosmopolitanism, regionalism, nationalism, pan-Hispanism) and generated debates about what constitutes “American,” “European,” and “Universal” literatures.

First, we will look at the development of the concept of cosmopolitanism in western culture from its Greek origins and Emmanuel Kant’s influential formulation in Perpetual Peace (1795) to contemporary theories by Appiah, Nussbaum, Robbins, Harvey, Mignolo, Siskin. In doing so, we will also pay close attention to how cosmopolitanism intersects with nationalism, postcoloniality, and imperialism. We will then explore cosmopolitanism and its others in a variety of texts, including novels, short stories, poetry, travel narratives, journalism, and visual culture from the early 19th century through the Avant-Garde in the 20th century.

This course will be conducted entirely in Spanish and, in addition to class discussions, assignments will include presentations and a final research paper.

HISP-S 688 #31868 6:00P–8:30P W WH 118 Professor Alejandro Mejías-López