Second‑Year Portuguese I

HISP-P200 — fall 2025

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BH 336
Days and Times
MWF 10:25A-11:15A
Course Description

Prerequisite: Successful completion of P150 or P135 

First in a two-course sequence at the intermediate level of Portuguese, this course reinforces and builds upon the communication skills acquired in first-year Portuguese. It also includes an introduction to brief literary texts. Students will be able to practice more complex grammar structures and improve their speaking, writing, and reading abilities. Class time will be dedicated to communicating in Portuguese with continuing emphasis on oral communication, vocabulary, and grammar taught in context. The cultures of Brazil and the Portuguese-speaking world are presented using interactive activities, discussion, songs, videos, and readings. Students and instructor will be communicating only in Portuguese. 

HISP-P 200     #1907     (4)      10:25A-11:15A     MWF          BH 336        STAFF

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