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- Course Description
Prerequisite: S280 or Consent of the Department.
By permission only. Submit a permisson request
Co-requisite: may be taken concurrent with HISP-S 280.The objective of this course is to develop student’s oral and writing abilities in Spanish. Students will develop writing skills in Spanish by learning and practicing the main components of different writing styles: description, narration, exposition, and argumentation. Students will learn compositional elements that provide cohesion and coherence in both formal and informal writing styles. Students will develop their oral skills by watching and discussing a number of critically acclaimed films from different Spanish-speaking countries which portray a variety of cultural, social, and political issues. To achieve the goal of improving oral proficiency, students will participate in in-class discussions and debates on controversial topics presented in the films. By the end of this course, students will be able to write in a variety of formal and informal writing styles and to discuss a wide range of topics. This course is conducted in Spanish. Students who have taken one or more 400-level Spanish classes are highly discouraged from taking this course.
Note: HISP-S 308 is for L2 speakers of Spanish; Heritage speakers who grew up hearing/speaking Spanish at home should register for HISP- S309.
Note: HISP-S 309 counts the same as HISP-S 308 as an elective for the Spanish major and minor.
Note: #8814 12:45P-2:00P TR BH 240 is for Hutton Honors Students only.
To see our HISP active courses and class times for fall 2025, go to One.IU, Student Center and search on HISP-S for Spanish, HISP-P for Portuguese and HISP-C for Catalan.
Interested in this course?
The full details of this course are available on the Office of the Registrar website.
See complete course details