Spanish Phonetics

HISP-S425 - Prof. Willis — fall 2025

Acoustic picture of Spanish phrase
Erik W. Willis
LH 030
Days and Times
MW 11:10A-12:25P
Course Description

Prerequisite:  HISP-S 326 or Consent of the Department               

This course studies on the sound system of Spanish.  Topics include the articulatory system, the characteristics and description of Spanish sounds, the patterns of Spanish sounds, the historical development of modern Spanish from Latin and the variation of the Spanish sound system.  Attention will also be given to differences between Spanish and English sounds.  A secondary goal of the course is a more native-like pronunciation as a result of a deeper understanding of how the Spanish sound system works.  Course evaluation is based on participation, homework assignments, a class project and presentation, and two exams. 

HISP-S 425       #5976     11:10A-12:25P         MW         LH 030      Prof. Erik Willis

Note: Class meets with HISP-S 498 #10365

Interested in this course?

The full details of this course are available on the Office of the Registrar website.

See complete course details