- Instructor
- Manuel Díaz-Campos
- Location
- BH 140
- Days and Times
- TR 11:10A-12:25P
- Course Description
Prerequisite: HHISP-S 280 or HISP-S 310; or appropriate placement exam score.
This course is an introduction to basic concepts and methodology used in Spanish Linguistics. The main goal of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to learn the tools of linguistic analysis and to apply them to the study of Spanish. Attention will be given to different levels of analysis in linguistics including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, second language acquisition, and language variation. Class time will be divided between lecture, problem-solving exercises, and discussion. Evaluation will be based on exams, class participation, homework, experiments, and other assignments.
HISP-S 326 #1957 (3) 11:10A-12:25P TR BH140 Prof. Manuel Diaz-Campos
Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics