Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics

HISP-S326 — spring 2025

collage of Spanish words related to linguistics
Days and Times
Course Description

Prerequisite: HISP-S 280 or HISP-S 310; or appropriate placement exam score.

This course offers a foundation in the areas and methodologies central to the study of Hispanic linguistics. Students will learn analysis tools and apply them to the scientific study of Spanish, including analyses of the sound system (phonetics and phonology), the structure of words and sentences (morphology and syntax), variation and use of Spanish in social contexts (sociolinguistics), and how meaning is created and communicated (semantics and pragmatics). After taking this course students will be able to take advanced coursework in Hispanic linguistics, have an expanded understanding of the Spanish language, and the unique human capacity for language learning. This course is conducted in Spanish.  

HISP-S 326     #5804        8:00A-9:15A               TR                GA 0005          STAFF
HISP-S 326     #31148      9:10A-10:00A            MWF             GA 0013           STAFF
HISP-S 326     #4553        2:20P-3:35P               TR                GA 0013          STAFF 


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