Individual Readings in Hispanic Studies

HISP-X490 — summer i + summer ii

Jonathan Risner
Days and Times
Course Description

Prerequisite:  Consent of the department.  Approval must be given by Director of Undergraduate Studies. E-mail department at

This course is by permission only. This course is used only in emergencies pertaining to graduating seniors who are short credit hours for graduation. Course may be repeated once with a different topic for a maximum of 6 credit hours. This course cannot be used for the Spanish 300/400 level requirements for the major or minor.

HISP-X 490   #1379    Arranged     Arranged       Prof. Jonathan Risner (Summer I)

HISP-X 490   #1380    Arranged     Arranged       Prof. Jonathan Risner (Summer II)

Interested in this course?

The full details of this course are available on the Office of the Registrar website.

See complete course details