Introduction to Hispanic Literature

HISP-S328 - Prof. Dove — fall 2024

Patrick Dove
ED 1250
Days and Times
MW 11:30A-12:45P
Course Description

Prerequisite:  S280 or Consent of the Department

This course provides critical tools and concepts for the study of literature in Spanish. We will experiment with interpretive terms and methods relating to four distinct genres—prose, poetry, theater, and film—and will familiarize ourselves with the conceptual vocabulary of contemporary literary criticism. The course will emphasize the importance of socio-historical context for literary analysis. While it’s important to ask how literary works are influenced by the historical moment in which they are written, in some cases writers turn to creative activity in an effort to break out of the confines of the present. Readings include works by Don Juan Manuel, Cervantes, Quevedo, Góngora, Garcilaso, Sor Juana, Bécquer, Darío, Agustini, Huidobro, Paz, Vallejo, Usigli, Quiroga, Bombal, Borges, Cortázar, Donoso, Rulfo, Garro, Bolaño and others.

HISP-S 328     #10037       11:30A-12:45P      MW         ED 1250         Prof. Patrick Dove

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