Introduction to Hispanic Literature - Honors

HISP-S328 - Prof. Mejias-Lopez — fall 2024

Alejandro Mejías-López
WH 114
Days and Times
MW 1:15P - 2:30P
Course Description

Prerequisite:  S280 or Consent of the Department

Reading literature is one of the best ways to improve both linguistic and cultural competence, while fostering aesthetic appreciation and critical thinking. This course will help you develop linguistic and critical tools to become a better reader, writer, and thinker in Spanish through the analysis and discussion of literary texts, including fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and drama. In class you will be asked to engage analytically and creatively with these texts and reflect on what they can still tell us not only about the culture they come from but also about ourselves and our communities. We will explore the difference between opinion and interpretation, question the limits of interpretation (is any interpretation of a text valid?) and work towards producing readings that are creative, insightful, and grounded.

This class:

  • gives you ample opportunity to better debate and discuss your ideas in Spanish,
  • helps you hone your reading and writing skills in Spanish,
  • helps you appreciate and enjoy the rich diversity of literatures in Spanish
  • gets you ready for study abroad.
  • prepares you for advanced classes in Spanish, and
  • empowers you to be a more critical and creative thinker across the board, no matter your major or career plans.

This course is conducted in Spanish.

This course carries CASE A&H and CASE GCC distribution credit.

Note: This class is open to Hutton Honors College students only.

HISP-S 328   #5919   HONORS   1:15P-2:30P      MW       WH 114      Prof.Alejandro Mejias-Lopez

Interested in this course?

The full details of this course are available on the Office of the Registrar website.

See complete course details