Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics

HISP-S326 - Prof. Amaral — fall 2025

collage of Spanish words related to linguistics
Patrícia Amaral
BH 138
Days and Times
MW 11:10A-12:25P
Course Description

Prerequisites: HISP-S 280 or HISP-S 310; or appropriate placement exam score.

This course is an introduction to the study of Hispanic Linguistics and provides students with a foundation in the main areas of linguistic analysis. It begins by exploring the goals of Linguistics as a scientific field of study and by examining the features of natural languages. After this general overview the course focuses on the description of the sounds of Spanish and their organization (phonetics and phonology), the structure of words and the different processes of word formation (morphology), the combination of words in larger units of sentence structure (syntax), and the study of word and sentence meaning in its interaction with context (semantics and pragmatics). These areas of study will be explored using data from different varieties of Spanish. The course ends with an overview of the history of Spanish. Student evaluation is based on class participation, weekly homework assignments, midterm and final exams, an oral presentation, and a short research project.

HISP-S 326   #5172     (3)    11:10A-12:25P      MW     BH 138     Prof. Patrícia Amaral


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