Spanish Grammar in Context

HISP-S280 — summer i

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Days and Times
MTWRF 8:10A-9:25A US Eastern Standard Time
Course Description

Prerequisite:  HISP-S 250 or Spanish placement score.

This course provides a review of the main grammatical structures in Spanish by examining and practicing them in meaningful real-life contexts. Through a variety of readings and documentary films on different aspects of Latin American society, students will consolidate their knowledge of Spanish grammar as they practice reading, listening, speaking, and writing about contemporary topics such as biodiversity and sustainability, globalization, sports, migration, human rights, and gender equality. Among other activities and assignments, students are expected to participate in class conversations, give oral presentations, and write several types of short compositions. By the end of the course, students will have opportunities to improve their vocabulary and grammar production as well as their oral and written skills, while gaining new insights into contemporary Latin American cultures and events. 

HISP-S 280   #4688     taught ONLINE-Via Zoom    MTWRF  8:10A-9:25A  US Eastern Standard Time    STAFF

Note: This course may require distance education fee.  Check with SCU website for more information at  See special fee page.

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