Introduction to Hispanic Literature

HISP-S328 - Prof. Vila-Belda — fall 2020

Painting from Goya, at the Prado Museum
Reyes Vila-Belda
BH 138
Days and Times
TR 9:30A-10:45A and TR 11:15A-12:30P
Course Description

Prerequisite:  S280 or Consent of the Department

This course offers an introduction to the critical reading of Hispanic literature through the analysis of selected literary texts from Spain and Spanish America. One of the key aspects that you will take away from the course is an appreciation of different genres as well as a reflection on the concept of genre itself. The following three genres will be covered: narrative fiction (short story and novel), poetry, and theater. The course will also highlight the importance of socio-historical context to literary works. Learning outcomes: in the analyses of the selected texts from the three literary genres (in class, as homework, as compositions), the course will introduce you to basic narratological, poetic, dramaturgical, and rhetorical terms and concepts used in the study of literature. You will also learn how to discuss these terms and concepts analytically in oral and written Spanish as you gain knowledge of literary trends over time and from both sides of the Atlantic. Evaluation will be based on written homework, three short essays, exams and active participation.

This course carries CASE A&H and CASE GCC2 distribution credit.

HISP-S 328   #5628         9:30A-10:45A      TR     BH 138       Prof. Reyes Vila-Belda
HISP-S 328   #5751       11:15A-12:30P      TR     BH 138       Prof. Reyes Vila-Belda

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The full details of this course are available on the Office of the Registrar website.

See complete course details