While my academic path has largely centered on building a scientific foundation to prepare for a profession in medicine, my Spanish courses have allowed me to further my communicational capabilities and expand on my early passions for language and social studies. Throughout my four years, I have explored diverse perspectives in literature, linguistics, and culture, all of which have contributed to my ability to think critically. My classes’ continuous focus on student discussion and analysis have not only reinforced my love for learning, but also facilitated significant personal growth. Moreover, I have met some of my best friends and many admirable peers in these courses!
Beyond the classrooms of IU, I am fortunate enough to have spent three semesters volunteering as a teaching assistant at Summit Elementary School. Interacting with second-grade dual-language students was always incredibly rewarding and entertaining (even when I had to refine my explaining-geometry-in- Spanish skills!).
Regarding achievements, I was inducted into Sigma Delta Pi in Spring 2021 and earned a Hutton Honors Notation, much of the criteria for which I fulfilled by completing honors-level Spanish courses. Most recently, I was a recipient of the AATSP Indiana Outstanding College Student of Spanish Award and was selected for the 2023 IU Spanish & Portuguese Outstanding Undergraduate Community Engagement Award!
Lastly, I would not have succeeded without the support of my family or Spanish professors, to whom I want to extend my thanks: to Prof. Edgar Illas, for being so uplifting during Spring 2020. To Prof. Reyes Vila-Belda, for inspiring me to pursue a Spanish major and for being such a joy over Zoom for two semesters. To Dr. Megan Solon, for being so kind and engaging for 7:50 AM HISP-S 431. To Prof. Rhi Johnson, for being knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and patient with me always sprinting from across campus into Iberian Modernities. To Prof. Andrés Guzmán, for being so supportive and leading such a thought-provoking course to conclude my undergraduate career. Finally, to Sr. Pablo Garcia of Summit Elementary, for graciously welcoming me into his teaching space, and of course, to Teaching Professor Israel Herrera for his outreach and constant encouragement.
It has not been the easiest four years for me, but it is truly easy to express my sincerest gratitude for this department and all those who have guided me.